The Texas Freedom Colonies Project’s newest feature series #MappingMonday will be highlighting our own Atlas map along with various maps that are highlighting the stories, needs and issues plaguing black settlements.
Our first feature is the brainchild of our very own team member Jennifer Blanks. Jennifer is leading research on natural disasters’ impact on cemetery preservation in historic Black settlements. The lack of mitigation and recovery plans threaten freedom colony landscapes.
The Cemetery Sista is a space for highlighting the importance of Black cemeteries.
Her main objectives are to:
1. Raise awareness to preserve Black cemeteries
2. Map Black cemeteries using modern technology
3. Share the latest news on Black cemeteries
The goal of The Cemetery Sista is to fill in the gaps of Black history through story-telling with feature stories of everyday Black people who have transitioned to the afterlife.
Check out her blog and visit!
#blacksettlements #blacktowns #texasfreedomcolonies #freedomcolonies #preserveblackcemeteries #thecemeterysista