During the Fall 2018 semester, graduate students in the Critical Places Studies class at Texas A&M University (College of Architecture, Dept of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning) created individual projects based on The Texas Freedom Colonies Project Atlas. Later in November, students presented their work to the public at the Brazos Valley African American Museum in Bryan, Texas.

Dr. Andrea Roberts
Melina Matos | MJ Biazar
Jacqueline Kuzio | Grace Kelly | Isabel Martinez | Felicity Owens | Malini Roy | Joy Semien
Critical Place Studies Final Presentations, (2018)

Critical Place Studies Final Presentations Flyer,(2018)


StoryMap: https://uvalibrary.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=10ece622c77f450685845d875ebd4e79

Student projects presentation at Brazos Valley African American Museum in Bryan
Dr. Roberts introducing The Texas Freedom Colonies Project
Joy Semien presenting her project